But in this case, it first tries to read a message from the input stream, and it will block until something is received. 但是,在这里,它首先尝试从输入流读一条消息,并阻塞直到收到消息。
The input and output stream classes may block waiting for an I/ O to complete, but they do not throw InterruptedException, and they do not return early if they are interrupted. 输入和输出流类会阻塞等待I/O完成,但是它们不抛出InterruptedException,而且在被中断的情况下也不会提前返回。
For instance, a user could spot that the input for a text block is being echoed on the following page and take advantage of that echo. 例如,用户可以发现文本块的输入被返回到以下页面上并且要利用那些返回信息。
When overridden in a derived class, gets the input block size. 当在派生类中重写时,获取输入块的大小。
Sort input file control block 分类输入文件控制块
The encoding method includes dividing an input block into at least first and second areas; 所述编码方法包括:将输入块划分为至少第一个第二区域;
The repetitive control algorithm includes scalar gain of the reference input with a lead block in the signal generator. A second-order low-pass filter provides compensation in the controller. 该算法中在输入参考信号处直接增加一个比例增益环节,在信号发生器处串联一个超前的时滞环节,并且用一个二阶低通滤波器作为控制系统的补偿函数。
For typing in text, a text input mask appears as an alternative to the number block. 数字块:如果以文本格式输入数字,数字块上就会出现一个文本输入掩码/蔽。
Input/ output request control block 输入输出请求控制分程序
By means of analyzing the statuses of input& output and the interface of data block. It presents the detail design of the spindle sleeve moving, and sums up a. general principle and method for the control of machine. 通过输入输出接口分析,提出主轴套筒移动控制的详细设计,总结出在机床控制中主轴套筒移动控制的一般原理与方法。
The hardware was divided into basic control system, the input and output of analog signal, and the input and output of digital signal block to design main circuits. 硬件分成基本控制系统、模拟量输入、模拟量输出、开关量输入、开关量输出以及通信等模块来设计电路。
A Method of Input Long Data Block in Graphic Mode 用图形方式实现大数据块的快速输入方法
Based on analyzing methods of input long data block, aiming at disadvantages of tedious process and slow input speed of now existing methods, this paper puts forward a new method of input long data block in graphic mode. 本文在分析大数据块输入方法的基础上,针对各种方法实现过程繁琐、输入速度慢等缺点提出了一种用图形方式快速输入大数据块的方法。
On the basis of discussions, some new view is put forward such as input set, output set of modular block, parameter set, connectedness and so on. 提出了模块的输入集、输出集、模块内部参数集、连通等新颖观点。
Its hardware consists of a control and memory block, a drive and display block, a keyboard input block and an I/ O interface block linked with wires. 该机硬件由控制内存块、驱动显示块、键盘输入块和I/O接口块等组成,各块之间用导线连接,每块的容量、功能可根据需要灵活安排。
In order to increase the decoding speed of the input encoded data, the pipelining and block processing methods are employed in the ACS unit that is the bottleneck of the Viterbi algorithm, so that the operation of the feedback loop could be completed in several clock cycles. 为了提高译码速度,对Viterbi算法的瓶颈所在ACS单元使用流水线和块处理的方法,使得反馈环的处理可以在多个时钟周期里完成。
The paper discusses DCS's control is affected both by the control block period and phase and by the difference of time between contact input and external input flag in a programmable logic block. briefly introduces the improvements about DCS's control configuration in debugging. 本文探讨了DCS控制功能块执行周期,相位,梯形逻辑块中接点输入和逻辑输入被接收的时间差异等,对控制性能的影响,简介了有关控制组态在调试中的改进方法。
The CAD software mainly consists of such modules of hydraulic principle diagram input, valve block design, internal hole-channel layout algorithm, hole-channel check, man machine interaction and drawing output. 该参数化CAD软件主要包括液压原理图的输入模块、阀块方案设计模块、内部孔道布置算法模块、孔道校核模块、人机交互模块及图纸输出模块。
It is necessary to mix address code in transform process of input TOD as block cryptogram. 地址码必须如分组密码方法那样,混淆在对TOD输入的变换过程之中。
In this scheme, an input image block can be selectively encoded by the proposed puzzled block, the dynamic codebook or the super-codebook according to the predefined distortion threshold. 在此编码方案当中,根据预先定义的匹配失真阈值,图像可以有选择地利用拼凑块、动态码本及码本库编码。
A method and an algorithm of functional fault simulation are proposed for integrated blocks by using binary decision diagrams. The complexity of this algorithm is O ( N), where N stands for the number of input pins of the integrated block. 本文给出一种用二叉判定图对集成块进行功能性故障模拟的方法及算法,该算法的复杂性为O(N),其中N为集成块的输入端数。
Input output block decoupling of a class of nonlinear singular control systems 一类非线性奇异控制系统的块解耦
The paper definites input signal and feedback signal etc. conception using block diagram. Analyses decisive factor and direct effect of extreme nature for feedback. 文章用方框图明确了输入信号、反馈信号等概念,分析了反馈极性的决定因素和直接效果,改进了传统的瞬时极性法。
The design of 16-channel photoelectric isolation digital signal input board and a general I/ O block for PC Bus are discussed. 采用光电隔离电路和PC总线通用的I/O模块,设计16路数字信号输入板。
By integrating the bits of the same position of four continuous input data in even or odd columns of a block, the calculation of multiplication and addition of different bits of the four data can be implemented with the same ROM LUT. 通过将连续输入的一个块的奇列或偶列的4个数据进行数据位重排,即将4个数据中相同的位组合在一起,则可用一个ROM查找表实现不同位的乘加运算。
The software system consists of four modules: gear parameters input and calculation dialog block, interpolation accuracy calculation and control, dressing route simulation, NC machining code output. 该软件主要分为四个模块:齿轮参数输入和计算对话框模块、渐开线插补计算模块、渐开线修整路径动态模拟模块、数控代码输出模块。
Reed-Solomon codes achieve the largest possible code minimum distance for any linear code with the same encode input and output block length. 在编码输入块长度相同的前提下,RS码与其他线性码相比能获得最优的码距。
Finally, the paper provides the wiring principle graph of the input and output terminals and the control block diagram of the metal V-belt transmission ratio. 最后,给出了该控制系统输入、输出端子接线原理图和金属带传动比控制框图。
Through MIMO ( Multiple Input Multiple Output) antennas technology, space-time block code ( STBC) can take advantage of multi-path to improve the transmission rate and reduce the symbol error rate. 通过多输入多输出(MIMO)天线技术,空时分组码可以利用多径提高传输速率,降低误码率。
And then, the influence of the input selection for routing efficiency is proved and a new input selection mechanism called block level input selection ( BLIS) is proposed. 然后证明了输入选择对于路由效率的影响,并设计了一种基于阻塞程度的输入选择机制(BlockLevelInputSelection,BLIS)。